Register a pet sitter or other pet service provider account!
The country's most innovative pet health web application, which provides a place for all professionally recognized pet sitters, veterinary offices, cosmetics, pharmacies, boarding houses and other pet services.
Appearance in our hit list
We provide an unlimited number of appearances in the search results lists of our service providers, which is available for any site visitors.
Map view
With the help of our map view, pet owners can find service providers near them with just one click. This way your business can be found by even more people!
Appointment booking request
If your business is appointment based, then through our system, the owners can easily start an e-mail-based appointment reservation for you by filling out a form.
Register for free!
Registration and simple appearance in our search engine are FREE and do not entail any obligations! After registration, we provide 1 month Premium trial period. After the trial period, you can continue to use our regular service for free, or you can switch to a Premium subscription, which only costs HUF 3,990 / provider / month.
Administrative account
(After registration, you can create multiple service provider profiles from your account.)
By joining, you accept the terms of use and the privacy policy.